Uniform Policy


According to School Board Dress Code –6Gx13- 5C-1.031 School Board Policy 55-11 Dress and Grooming, students are expected to come to school clean and appropriately groomed and dressed. Students whose personal attire or grooming distracts the attention of other students or teachers from their school work shall be required to make the necessary alterations before entering the classroom or be sent home by the principal. Students who fail to meet the minimum acceptable standards of cleanliness and neatness as determined by the principal and as specified in this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures, including suspension.

Florida City Elementary is a mandatory uniform school. All students will be expected to wear the appropriate school uniform every day and the following attire will be strictly enforced during the school year.



  • Tops- Knit polo style shirt with a collar -YELLOW , WHITE, or GREEN
  • Bottoms- Long pants, Bermudas , Skort, Jumper- KHAKI, (cargo style bottoms are not appropriate)



  • Tops- Knit polo style shirt with a collar- YELLOW , WHITE, or GREEN
  • Bottoms- Long pants, Bermudas- KHAKI (cargo style bottoms are not appropriate)


Socks (boys and girls)-Solid White

Shoes (boys and girls)-Sneakers or closed-toe shoes with laces or Velcro
(NOT APPROPRIATE: sandals, boots, open-toe shoes, crocs or croc-style shoes, “ballerina” flats, flip-flops, shoes without back straps)

More Information

*The patch with the school logo is strongly encouraged.* Hats, bandanas, and other accessories are not permitted.

Clothing may be purchased at any store, but must conform to the styles and provisions of the Uniform Policy. Additional information will be forthcoming regarding cold weather dress.

Parents or guardians may request an Application for Exemption from the uniform program which delineates the steps to be followed in the exemption procedure. The application must be completed in full and submitted to the principal. Applications for Exemption will be accepted within the first 4 weeks of the school year. If it is determined that the waiver request will be granted, a Confirmation of Uniform Exemption letter will be sent to the parent.